Let’s talk about staging. Nope, not decorating…staging. In preparing a home for marketing, no matter what kind of market we are in, it is imperative to present the best version of the home in effort to draw out the highest yield value. I am asked by many if it is really worth all the hassle, particularly since there is so little to choose from that potential buyers will just take the property regardless of how it looks. This may be true, but the chances of you selling for the highest price possible goes down significantly with this mindset. That said, it is important to recognize the difference between decorating and staging.
To Decorate: make (something) look more attractive by adding extra items or images to it, synonyms: ornament · adorn · trim · embellish · garnish · furnish . Decorating can entail personalizing a space to one’s particular liking. When staging a property, the goal is to guide the eye of the visitor to the features most important to the home. For example, when you walk in to a room, is the goal to display all your personal artwork and have the buyer remember the artwork? Or is the goal to demonstrate the volume of the space, perhaps the newly refinished hardwood floors or great outdoor space just beyond. To stage is to set up a mental map, or walkthrough, of the property for the visitor while demonstrating functionality (floorplan and flow, use of space, etc.), and to showcase the special features that set your home apart from others. When working with sellers, I work with them very closely in editing furniture, placement of artwork, helping determine where to focus time and energy (and sometimes $$) before it hits the market, and it shows time and again. If you are interested in selling your property, please give me a call! I would be happy to help you get the most out of your home too!!